Panel Discussion

Introduction of the prize winners
SHIHO (Secretariat) ───── I am Shiho working for the Design Center Ishikawa. I would like to introduce the prize winners who are present among the audience. First, this is Hidenori Tsumori from Toyama prefecture, the Grand Prize winner. Would you like to comment?
TSUMORI ───── Thank you for the introduction. I am Hidenori Tsumori. I have pursued expression and formation created through heating by my original technique and using mixed material of glass and ceramic clay.
This time I challenged the limits of my ability in the way of expressing myself and the size of the work. As a result of my career and study in Kanazawa and in Toyama, I have been given the Grand Prize. I am very happy and I really appreciate your assessment.
SHIHO (Secretariat) ───── Thank you. Next, I would like to introduce you Kensuke Takeoka, the Silver Prize winner and Sohei Fujita, the Atsushi Takeda Prize winner, both of whom are from Toyama. This is a good opportunity for you to make some comments if you would.
TAKEOKA ───── My name is Takeoka and I study at the Toyama City Institute of Glass Art. I am so happy to be given such an assessment. The work I submitted this time was actually created as my graduation work. During my study over the next two years, I would like to try new sizes and techniques. Thank you.
Sohei FUJITA ───── Thank you for the nice introduction. I am Sohei Fujita. I esteem it a great honor to be given the Atsushi Takeda Prize. It is two years since I graduated from the Toyama City Institute of Glass Art. In the world of glass art, I am a newcomer among newcomers.
The work I submitted this time is arranged from my graduation work. I am so happy that my work has been given the Atsushi Takeda Prize at such a big competition. Imagining that at the exhibition held in October, many visitors will come and enjoy my work, I feel very excited. I will not become too proud from this honor and continue to strive to great original works. Thank you very much.
SHIHO (Secretariat) ───── This has been all the introductions of the three prize winners here today.
TAKEDA ───── Thank you. The Gold Prize winner can be seen later. We would like to accept your questions. Any questions will be welcomed.