Panel Discussion

Opening Remarks and Introduction of the Panelists
FUJIHARA (MC) ───── Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Let’s begin the Special Symposium for the International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa 2019 and announce the result of the Final Assessment. I am Mr. Fujihara, Deputy Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the Exhibition and Managing Director of the Design Center Ishikawa. We would like to announce the result of the Final Assessment, and the jurors of the Final Assessment Panel will make comments on the prize winners.
I would first like to introduce all the jurors: Atsushi Takeda, Visiting Professor of Tama Art University and Art Critic. We asked him to be Head Juror of the Final Assessment. Jun Fujita, Glass Artist and Meritorious Member of the Japan Glass Arts and Crafts Association. Bodil Busk Laursen from Denmark, Glass Critic and Chairperson of the Hempel Glass Museum. Jay Musler from the US, a Glass Artist who participated in this exhibition for the first time. Yan Zoritchak from France, Glass Artist.
Yoshiko Hayakawa will interpret English and Japanese, and Cecile Andrieu Kawakami French and Japanese.