Panel Discussion

Comments on the Silver Prize winners(1/2)

The Colored Wall
張 慶南
JANG, Kyungnam (Japan)
TAKEDA ───── Thank you. Now you see the work on the screen, but please take a closer look at the work later, when the light is turned on.
Next, I would like each of the jurors to comment on the four Silver Prize winners one by one. First, Mr. Fujita, please.
FUJITA ───── This work actually has more vivid and prettier colors than the image on the screen. The work is entitled “The Colored Wall” by Kyungnam Jang. At the Final Assessment, all the information, including artists’ names, on each work was concealed. So until all the prize winners had been decided and announced, I did not know that this work was created by Kyungnam Jang. I have been familiar with Jang’s works for a long time. He teaches at Kurashiki University of science and TheArt. He has created wall-like works in mono- or duochrome. This time, his work looks as though some cloths are dancing in the glass wall. It consists of red and dark purple in the transparent glass. His intention goes as follows; “My work is a wall to protect someone, to support someone, to remember someone. By overcoming the wall, you will see another world.”
I am not a glass artist who specializes in coldcasting, so I know only a little about the technique. I assume that first he made blocks of glass, one by one mixing some colors into the blocks, putting them together to make a big lump of glass, then he casted the whole, and finally he smoothened the surface of the block. He created his work with great care. Looking at the image on the screen, the surface looks flat. Actually, the surface curves gently like a bow. The other faces are not flat but cut diagonally so that the left side of the work will be thinner. I admire his excellent technique.
For a long time he has created works in monochrome, or works which appear to be walls pulled out of a bigger wall. I feel strongly that he has broken out of his boundaries and attempted a new challenging wall. The work is based on a firm formation and perfect technique. I admire him for surpassing his own boundaries.
TAKEDA ───── As Fujita mentioned, this work is very big. Its transparency is absolutely beautiful. To tell you the truth, at the first round of voting, only two works received four votes including my vote. One is the Gold Prize winner and the other is this work. I am sorry that the Gold Prize can go to only one winner. That is why and how this work has been awarded the Silver Prize. I hope that you all will look at this work at the exhibition. It is a three-dimensional abstract artwork in which the particular transparent quality of glass is used to excellent effect. Within this work, I feel that I can see a beautiful unknown other world.
Next, I would like Mr. Zoritchak to comment on the Silver Prize winner by Midori Tsukada.

Natural Verse
塚田 美登里
TSUKADA, Midori (Japan)
ZORITCHAK ───── To me, this work encapsulates the history of glass techniques, from the invention of glass blowing by the Ancient Egyptians to the stained glass windows of Medieval churches and cathedrals. I imagine that the artist has deeply studied the techniques used to make stained glass as well as glass windows. The technique has been utilized for centuries, particularly for church windows. This time, the technique is used innovatively and with great skill. I have never met the artist personally, but I am sure that she deeply studied the techniques to create truly surprising colors, textures and patterns.
This work has one more interesting point. It is not something visible but something to stimulate the viewers’ emotions. The tubes and sticks for blowing glass cannot be seen naturally, but the work allows the viewers to imagine the atmosphere and the scene where the artist works by blowing glass. In order to make such a work, the artist must have great skills or she must work with a well-coordinated team. As a final detail to note, the cut where the artist removed the extra material was skillfully done.
If the artist is present here today, I would like to congratulate her on her success and tell her my appreciation. Thank you so much.