“The International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa” has explored the direction and new trends of the world of glass for a quarter of a century since its inception in 1984. This year we are pleased to be able to hold its 11th exhibition that will introduce you the 72 selected works from 21 countries out of 470 entries from 39 nations and regions. The exhibition has been a world showcase of contemporary glass art and it has helped explore the potential of this attractive material glass. We are excited to introduce you a wide variety of magnificent glass works.

大賞作品 「相」 石関 敬史 ISHIZEKI, Takashi

- 会 期
- 平成22年8月26日(木)〜31日(火) 6日間
- 会 場
- 香林坊大和8階ホール(金沢市)
- 内 容
- 入賞、入選作品約70点を展示
- 併 催
- 「デザインセンター・コレクション展」
The International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa 2010
Period: August 26 (Thu) through August 31 (Tue), 2010
Venue: Exhibition Hall (8F), Kanazawa Korimbo Daiwa Department Store
(Approximately 70 selected works including awarded works will be exhibited.)
The Design Center Collection Exhibition
Period: August 26 (Thu) through August 31 (Tue), 2010
Venue: Exhibition Hall (8F), Kanazawa Korimbo Daiwa Department Store
(Convened in parallel with The International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa 2010 in Kanazawa. Approximately 30 works from Design Center Collection will be exhibited.)
- 会 期
- 平成22年8月6日(金)〜31日(火)
- 会 場
- しいのき迎賓館ギャラリーA、B
- 内 容
- デザインセンターのコレクション作品
Period: August 8 (Fri) through August 31 (Tue), 2010
Venue: Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa Prefecture Gallery A, B
(Approximately 30 works from Design Center Collection will be exhibited.)
国際ガラス展・金沢2010 in 能登島
- 会 期
- 平成22年10月2日(土)〜11月29日(月)
- 会 場
- 石川県能登島ガラス美術館
Visiting Exhibition
The International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa 2010 in Notojima
Period: October 2 (Sat) through November 29 s(Mon), 2010
Venue: Notojima Glass Art Museum
- 主 催
- 国際ガラス展・金沢開催委員会
[構成]石川県、金沢市、金沢商工会議所、㈶石川県デザインセンター - 後 援
(株)北國新聞社 - 協 賛
- アサヒ装設株式会社、カタニ産業株式会社、高桑美術印刷株式会社、玉田工業株式会社、株式会社中島商店、ナカダ株式会社、
〒920-8203 金沢市鞍月2丁目20番地 (財)石川県デザインセンター内
TEL (076) 267-0365 / FAX (076) 267-5242
Secretariat Office of the Executive Committee The International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa
c/o Design Center Ishikawa 2-20 Kuratsuki, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-8203 Japan
Tel: +81-76-267-0365 Fax: +81-76-267-5242