Comments on Top Prize Winners

藤掛 幸智 FUJIKAKE, Sachi

山本 茜 YAMAMOTO, Akane

Image Rotation
Takeda ─────Second, I would like Professor Laursen to talk about “Vestige” by FUJIKAKE Sachi (Japan).
Laursen ───── Again we see the variety of the chosen works for this interesting exhibition. It is a very interesting object.
It caught my eye at first sight. It is an object which seems tohave been lost by its owner and left to fight for itself.
The title of the work is “Vestige.” Later I found out the meaning of that word which is beautiful and sorrowful meaning in the Japanese culture. Vestige is the word that tells about this sense of feeling when things are fading and when they are close to the ending.
One already experiences loss that eventually will take place.This is exactly the style and message of the work.
The techniques used by the artist are fusing, hot-worked,and sandblasted. The object has a soft, smooth, and mat outside,but the top and the bottom are fixed and thus sheltering the mystery inside.
Episodes in its own fate that are transcending. The object precisely captures this moment of change. Philosophy, poetry and sensibility are combined in this sculpture in a unique way that calls for appreciation in form of this HonorableMention.
Takeda ───── The list of prize winners at hand does not describe the sizes of each work, I am afraid. The image of this work looks quite large and you cannot imagine what a real work is. I would like to tell you the sizes of each work.For “My Parallel Biology,” the highest cylinder is 25cm in height. For “Thread Is Connected,” the longest is 1.15 meters in length. “Sunset in the Wave” is 50cm in diameter.“Fountain” weighs 80kg. For “The Way of the Moon-IV/2013,” the longest side is 80cm. “Vestige” is 28cm in width.
Takeda ───── I would like to introduce the next Honorable Mention winner, “Akashi, the 13th chapter of the Tale of Genji” byYAMAMOTO Akane (Japan). I would like to make a brief comment on this work. It is 16.5cm in height, not a large work. The artist combined glass with the Japanese traditional technique KIRIKANE (gold leaf and platinum leaf)which was used for Buddhist images. It seems that she is fond of the Tale of Genji. She contrived some way to put her image of the Tale of Genji into her glass work by creating an object with various cuts of glass which features transparency.She succeeded in creating a new aesthetic feeling by considering the shapes of KIRIKANE and what will be seen through from each cut.
Takeda ───── Next, Professor Yokoyama will talk about “Image Rotation” by BORKOVICS Peter (Hungary).
Yokoyama ───── The artist’s techniques and designing are wellcombined. His original techniques have created his unique design, moire fringes. In other words, only this technique can create this visual angle, the moire fringes. I admire his ingenious device.
Takeda ───── I would like to let you know the size of this work,50cm x 43cm, quite a large work.